Surgo Learning Academy is a pool of knowledge accessible at your fingertips! Ignite your potential to kickstart your career and gain the skills you need to excel.

Learning Account Registration Information

Welcome to the registration form for Surgo Learning Academy, a premier online learning platform brought to you by Surgo Pty Ltd. We are delighted that you have chosen to embark on a journey of knowledge and growth with us.

By completing this registration form, you are joining a vibrant community of learners from around the world, united by a shared passion for knowledge. Get ready to unlock new horizons and seize exciting opportunities for personal and professional development.

Residential Information

Indentification Information & Educational Background


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Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 1 files
The file should be jpg/jpeg/pdf.
Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 1 files
The file should be jpg/jpeg/pdf.
Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 1 files
The file should be jpg/jpeg/pdf.